

Del Sol Press seeks to publish exceptional work by both new and recognized writers,
as well as republish literary works that we consider extremely significant
and that have gone out of print. Our approach is eclectic, but our emphasis
is on original, unique, and accessible work WITH AN EDGE. As such, we
eschew noncommunicative forms (language poetry rip-offs, Finnegan's
Wake imitations, and so forth) and genre fiction (unless exceptional).
Discover our titles and look forward to
Michael Neff - Publisher

Christine Stewart / Editor Chief
Christine Stewart has an M.A. in Creative Writing from Hollins University and an M.F.A. in Poetry from the University of Maryland College Park. A former artist-in-residence with the arts and humanities nonprofit Creative Alliance, she is a Pushcart Prize nominee, a recipient of an Individual Artist Award in fiction from the Maryland State Arts Council and a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from The Poetry Foundation and Poetry magazine. Some of Chris' publications include Poetry, Ploughshares, Five Points, Smartish Pace, and The Cortland Review. In her hometown of Baltimore, Chris has hosted and participated in readings at the CityLit Festival, the Baltimore Book Festival and has been featured on the NPR station, WYPR.
She is a freelance manuscript editor and has taught at the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Carver Center for Arts and Technology, and currently teaches writing in the Johns Hopkins Odyssey program. Chris blogs for JMWW and The Writer's Edge. Her current novel was first runner up in fiction for the 2012 Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award from Poets & Writers. Her most recent fellowship was from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. www.therealwriter.com.
Walter Cummins / Senior Editor
Walter Cummins has published seven short story collections, including WITNESS, WHERE WE LIVE, LOCAL MUSIC, END OF THE CIRCLE, THE LOST ONES, HABITAT: STORIES OF BENT REALISM, and TELLING STORIES: OLD AND NEW. He also has a collection of essays and reviews called KNOWING WRITERS. More than one hundred of his stories, as well as memoirs, essays, and reviews, have appeared in magazines such as New Letters, Kansas Quarterly, Virginia Quarterly Review, Under the Sun, Arts & Letters, Confrontation, Bellevue Literary Review, Connecticut Review,The Laurel Review, Other Voices, Georgetown Review, Sonora Review, Broad Street, Weber Studies, Midwest Quarterly, West Branch, South Carolina Review, Crosscurrents, Crescent Review, The MacGuffin, and in book collections, and on the Web. With Thomas E. Kennedy, he is founding co-publisher of Serving House Books, an outlet for novels, memoirs, and story, poetry, and essay collections. For more than twenty years, he was editor of The Literary Review.
Rachel E. Hicks / Associate Editor
Rachel E. Hicks is a fiction and poetry editor with Del Sol Press. Her poetry has appeared in St. Katherine Review, Off the Coast, Gulf Stream Magazine, Pen In Hand, Welter, and other journals. She also writes short fiction and is working on a novel set in the foothills of the Himalayas, where she spent her childhood. Rachel works as a freelance copyeditor whose clients include companies, non-profit organizations, and individuals. A former high school English and homeschool teacher, she volunteered with an international relief and development organization in China.
Joesph Hall / Social Media Manager and Assistant Editor
Joseph is an Algonkian Conferences alumni with a passion for storytelling. After graduating from Point Park University with a B.A. in Broadcast Reporting, he decided to move in a different direction with the goal of one day becoming a developmental editor and published author. Right now he's working on his breakout fantasy novel, THE BLINDED WORLD. He is a graduate of the Algonkian Novel Writing Program and has served as an assistant editor at the Algonkian Park retreat in Virginia.
