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By Melanie Bacon
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Madeleine Barquist, police veterinarian and daughter of Jack the Ripper, is dragged by her detectivist partner Astraia Holmes into solving the death of popular suffragist leader Lady Deborah Peacham, killed by a hatpin plunged into her heart during an assault on Parliament. While investigating Lady Deborah's mysterious death, the detectivists become aware of a more vicious murderer lurking in the shadows of society, their series of crimes hidden and unnoticed.

Almost immediately, the world-famous leaders of London's temperance and suffrage communities realize they have secrets to hide and reputations to protect. They grow nervous, threatened by the direction of Maddie's and Astraia's investigation, and soon learn that a hatpin is not the only weapon available to desperate and lethal Victorians.

By Eve Wood
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Written in the voice of Abraham Lincoln, this poem cycle by Eve Wood constitutes an imaginary conversation between the sixteenth president of the United States and a 21st century American woman struggling to make sense of the chaos she sees in the world. With a focus on socio-political issues such as bigotry, hate crimes, war, apathy and personal responsibility, this collection forges a reimagining of history, delving into the mind of one of the most important political figures in American history. As such, we are proud to publish this collection by accomplished poet Eve Wood, a collection that is truly unique and profound at the same time.

By Woodlief Thomas
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Antoine, a thirty-something New Orleanian, needs to find meaning. He's out of prison and trying to carve out a life, but he remains crippled by guilt and drink. This all changes when he learns his aged best friend Pharoah, a semi-homeless street performer, is dying. Pharoah's last wish is for Antoine to find his estranged nineteen-year-old daughter Maybelle, with whom Pharoah has not spoken for fourteen years. Maybelle, a dreamer from New Orleans' tough Sixth Ward, fled the city a month and a half prior, when Hurricane Katrina destroyed what remained of everything she knew... During their respective journeys through the otherworldly Mississippi and Arkansas Delta regions, Antoine and Maybelle confront both their own painful pasts and a dangerous drifter named DeSoto. For Antoine, the ultimate cost of finding purpose could be his own life.

By Walter Cummins
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Which reproduction of Rembrandt's "Old Man with a Golden Chain" comes closest to capturing the real painting? Have the three centuries since it sat on Rembrandt's easel altered the tones of the oils so that the original no longer exists? Will we ever be able to know the authentic work of art? The essays in this collection were first published at various points over a decade or more. Each was written separately with an individual focus. But when gathered and reread by the author, he discovered they were united by a common theme and that, unaware, he'd been addressing variations of the question of authenticity... What is the authentic way of seeing a painting, listening to music, getting a college education, grieving, working, recognizing animal rights, and more? These essays consider the possibilities, without answering the questions.

By Richard Hacker
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A literary and darkly humorous SF book from Richard Hacker... In the course of a morning, Dungsten Crease resurrects his neighbor's dog, is arrested by TSA for carrying a weapon which never existed, and drowns a woman at an airline ticket counter - or could he be hallucinating? In his panic he locks himself in the men's room of a coffee shop only to find a strange man in cycling togs sharing the space. The lanky intruder claims to be Dungsten's neurally implanted concierge unit who has two disturbing messages. Dungsten is a Shaper - an obsolete, genetically programmed tool created by a bankrupt galactic corporation to terraform planetary experiences for vacationing clients; and the woman he inadvertently killed at the airport with his Shaper abilities will be the love of his life...

By Melanie Bacon
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Amazon award winner for DEADEST GUN IN THE WEST, and former writer for National Lampoon Magazine, Melanie Bacon, has pennned a brilliant new Sherlock Holmes spinoff starring his sister Astraia and Jack the Ripper's daughter as "The Detectivists." Astraia Holmes is baffled by a series of brutal murders committed by a dragon-like assailant, and desperately wishing to impress her brother and solve the crimes she teams up with a mysterious and brilliant young woman who, unknown to Astraia, is none other than Jack the Ripper's daughter. Sherlock suspects an ancient evil at work, and he fears for Astraia's safety. The signs point to a Chinese Dragon God Cult known as the Ya Zi, a warrior society originally formed two thousand years ago to assassinate enemies of the Emperor. Astraia is exultant to finally have a chance to use her deduction skills, and Miss Barquist is fearful to meet the eye of Sherlock Holmes--for unknown to both Astraia and Sherlock, she is the daughter of Jack the Ripper.

Kirkus Fall Preview - 2019
By Kirkus Editors
Book Review - "American Oz Maker"

Del Sol Press was recently informed by Kirkus Reviews that the title, PIPER ROBBIN AND THE AMERICAN OZ MAKER by Warwick Gleeson, has been included in the Kirkus Top 150 Books "Fall Preview Issue" in both print and digital format. The Kirkus publication goes to libraries and booksellers nationwide. The novel was one of four SFF titles chosen by Kirkus editors from the ranks of independent presses. And are we over the moon? Yes. Here is a sample of the review (more can be found by clicking above): "Once Gleeson cracks open his frothy imagination, all manner of conceptual madness rushes forth... Jaded sci-fi and fantasy readers should flock to this fearlessly inventive narrative that sprinkles pop-culture references (like the David Bowie line "We could be heroes, just for one day") atop unflagging optimism about humanity's potential."

By Pattie Palmer-Baker
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Set in an alternate world, MALL is a place where everyone is beautiful, and everyone is employed so they have enough income to consume and to experience a myriad of pleasures-drugs, gambling, theater, holographic adventures. No poverty and little or no crime. A lot of sex. But what's the catch? And what happens when Sara, a 21st century woman, accidentally finds her way into this alien yet familiar world? Nona, a MALL mental health practitioner, treats Sara upon her arrival. She goes against Mall code to help her acclimate. But Sara desperately wants to get home, and as she seeks a way out as well as answers about her new reality, she draws herself and Nona into the darker places and practices of MALL--the lower levels with orgiastic dance clubs and black market "spiritual counseling"--until it's not just Sara who wonders where she belongs.

By Renée Ashley
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For Renée Ashley, everything's connected, and so Minglements comes forth in rays of entanglements, some hilarious, some not so hilarious at all. This collection is a kind of guided tour through the way a mind works. Now, when people ask Ashley, What planet do you live on? she can hold up this book in response. Peter Murphy, author of Atlantic City Leaves, best sums it up when he notes, "Renée Ashley accomplishes something extraordinary in Minglements, a hybrid book of literary criticism and memoir. She states all the reasons she shouldn't write a memoir, defends them, and writes it anyway, and I don't want her to stop... Ashley has ignored the New Critics' focus on "the work itself" and offers us a more transactional appraisal of contemporary poetry. She gives us such an idiosyncratic take on "the work" and on herself, we may never be able to read another traditional review without longing."

We are proud to announce that WAR OF THE WORLD MAKERS by Reilly Michaels won four literary book awards this past year. First Place in Science Fiction, and a Finalist in Fantasy, Beverly Hills Book Awards; Merit Award for the CIPA EVVY in Fantasy, and Third Place CIPA EVVY in Science Fiction. Both award contests receive thousands of entries from individual authors, as well as mid-sized and smaller presses. WAR OF THE WORLD MAKERS by Michaels is a dark science-fantasy with no delusions of grandeur. It is truly grand. More about this novel.

By Michael Brodsky
ISBN: 978-0615122465
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Detour charts the struggle of a movie-obsessed would-be medical student to avoid at all cost the straitjacket of a fixed identity. His transient, too intense sexual relationship with a rootless former heroin addict becomes one of the many "detours" that seem to frustrate but ultimately define his quest for connectedness and the fulfillment of a true calling. Detour received the Ernest Hemingway Foundation Citation of the PEN American Center in 1979.

Midlife Crisis with Dick and Jane: Poems
By Nin Andrews
ISBN: 0-9748229-7-3
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"Nin Andrews explodes the iconography of our childhoods as she creates a new series of Dick and Jane readers, this time earmarked for adults who desperately need a vocabulary for a different time. With edgy humor and deep understanding of the shadows we all cast, she gives us a Dick and Jane we can't resist. The bizarre nature of the world she creates is what initially draws us in, but what keeps us there is our growing knowledge that it's our world too." - Joyce Dyer

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